A radio personality, Raymond Deshas spent more than thirty years behind the microphone, all over the country and elsewhere on the planet. After a career as a singer-songwriter and two disc releases, including one in France, he was in turn a presenter at CIEL-MF, and the host of the morning show at Radio-Canada Vancouver and then Toronto. He was also heard on RFC in Lahr in Germany before being the director of programming. At Radio Canada International (RCI), he was in turn director and producer of referendum night in 1995 and then the national elections of 1997 and 2000. Responsible for partnerships, he fed English and French reports to some 60 English-speaking radio stations and more than 160 French-speaking, associative and community organizations, in the United States, Europe, Europe, Europe, Europe, Africa and Oceania, with English and French reports. Still at RCI, he was also the anchor and presenter of the daily TamTam Canada for seven years and then a few seasons at Radio Classique Montréal. At Éditions GID, he has published two novels, Des jardins de fachère (2014) and La Mémorie des willows (2021), and Chroniques du bout de ma rue (2019), a collection of short stories.”